Despite the scientific advancements that have swept across the globe, many communities remain devoted to age-old customs, even if they seem irrelevant in the modern era. This is certainly the case in the village of Castrellón de Murcia in northern Spain, a settlement with medieval origins. Here, a unique annual festival known as the “Kolacho” takes place. During this festival, a group of men dress in colorful outfits and pretend to be demons to scare the local residents. They then jump over babies lying on the streets, purportedly to purify the newborns from their sins and protect them from evil spirits.

While the exact year when the first Kolacho festival was held is unclear, local historians suggest it began in the early 17th century. It was organized by a Catholic sect that has continued to manage the event annually. The festival is held during the Feast of Corpus Christi in June, reaching its peak on the last Sunday. The celebrations start with residents hanging white sheets from their balconies, symbolizing purity and the expulsion of demons. At around six in the evening, a group of men called “Kolachos” run through the town wearing costumes in red and yellow, some even masked to resemble demons. Armed with whips made from horse tails attached to sticks, they scare the locals, who respond with cheers and curses as a prelude to the main event: jumping over all the babies born that year in the village.

For this unusual ritual, babies are placed on mattresses on the ground outside their homes and on the streets. The men then jump over approximately 100 children, all while surrounded by a crowd of nearly 3,000 people who continue to shout and curse to ward off bad luck for the coming year. After the jumping, the babies are washed with rose petals and are often blessed by the local priest before being collected by their parents. They then return home to continue the celebration with feasting and dancing with family and friends.

Despite the bizarre nature of the Kolacho, villagers believe it is essential for cleansing newborns from the sins they believe all humans inherit from Adam and Eve’s disobedience in Eden. They think that the evil spirits attach themselves to the demon-jumper, thereby ensuring the babies a safe passage from demons and illness throughout their lives. Although there are no reports of injuries from the festival over the years, the Kolacho has attracted the disapproval of the higher Catholic authorities. Pope Benedict XVI issued instructions for local priests to distance themselves from the practice, as it contradicts traditional Catholic practices.

Today, despite its religious undertones, the festival is considered a significant cultural celebration integral to the local heritage. It continues to be held annually and is unlikely to disappear anytime soon. On the contrary, it gains more fame each year. Initially, the festival was limited to village children, but in recent years, people from around the world have begun traveling to northern Spain to participate.